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LipoVibes Bundle - Acid-Base

LipoVibes Bundle - Acid-Base

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Our "Acid-Base" cure is a synergistic combination of selected micronutrients with a focus on creating and maintaining a balanced acid-base balance in the body

The cure contains one bottle each of LipoVibes™ Vitamin D3 K2, Omega 3 with Black Cumin with 10 ml content & Alpha Lipoic Acid acid with 30 ml content.

Vitamin D is known as the "sun vitamin" as it is produced by the body when exposed to sunlight. It is combined with Vitamin K2 for better metabolisation. It is important for the smooth functioning of almost all cells and organs, such as the heart.

Omega 3 fatty acids fulfil important tasks in the body. For example, they play a decisive role in regulating blood lipid levels (cholesterol). Black cumin oil, rich in healthy ingredients such as thymoquinone, complements this effect with its potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which is a promising combination for promoting health.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce cell damage caused by free radicals. In addition, ALA plays an important role in energy metabolism and can improve nerve health and insulin sensitivity, making it a promising supplement for various health concerns.

Here's why you should choose LipoVibes products:

1. unique technology, optimal dosage: many manufacturers advertise higher bioavailability. With LipoMolecule technology, LipoVibes has developed a globally unique solution that really achieves better results thanks to its long-term stability and very small particle size (less than 100 nm). This enables us to develop our products in such a way that only a minimal amount of active ingredient remains unutilised and the body is not burdened.

2. rapid absorption in the body: LipoVibes products are not only much better absorbed by the body, but also much faster than comparable products. We achieve this by using lipids that are related to the body and which also make up the outer shell of human cells. Our active ingredients are detectable in the blood plasma just 5 minutes after ingestion.

3. controlled production: All LipoVibes products are developed in our laboratories in Germany and manufactured exclusively from plant-based ingredients in accordance with strict quality standards. They are vegan and free from sugar, gluten, lactose and GMOs.

Ingredients / Application:

Vitamin D3 K2 (2 drops/day): Glycerin, water, natural ethanol, sunflower oil, lecithin (soya), natural flavouring (orange peel oil), vitamin K2 in MCT oil (0.075 mg - 100%*), vitamin D3 in MCT oil (0.005 mg - 100%*), antioxidant (tocopherol (vitamin E).

Omega 3 with Black Cumin (6 drops/day): Water, glycerin, natural ethanol, algae oil (contains omega 3), sunflower oil, lecithin (soya), black cumin seed oil, orange peel oil, antioxidant (vitamin E).

Alpha Lipoic Acid (20 drops/day): Water, glycerine, ethanol, MCT oil, lecithin (SOY), alpha lipoic acid, orange peel oil, antioxidant (vitamin E).


Depending on your preferences, take LipoVibes™ pure or mixed with cold liquid.

Shelf life: 6 months after opening.

Shipping: Free of charge within Germany, delivery time approx. 2-4 days.

Note: Not suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

Known through

LipoVibes acid-base combination

The acid-base balance is a crucial aspect of our health and well-being. It refers to the balance of acidic and alkaline substances in our body, especially in our blood. A balanced acid-base balance is essential for many vital processes, including the optimal function of enzymes and hormones, the regulation of metabolism and the maintenance of a healthy immune system.

The cure, consisting of LipoVibes™ vitamin D3 K2, omega 3 with black cumin oil and alpha lipoic acid, can help support the acid-base balance in many ways. Each of these components has specific properties and effects that together can work synergistically to support the body's ability to maintain a healthy acid-base balance. In the following, I will go into detail about each of these components and explain how they can positively influence the acid-base balance.

LipoVibes™ Vitamin D3 K2

Importance of vitamin D3 and K2

Vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 are fat-soluble vitamins that play a key role in many physiological processes. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is known for its role in the regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism and contributes to the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It is also important for immune system function, muscle strength and general health.

Vitamin K2, on the other hand, is a lesser-known vitamin that also plays a crucial role. It is important for blood clotting and bone health. Vitamin K2 helps to transport calcium to the bones and prevents calcium from building up in the arteries, which could lead to cardiovascular disease.

Effects on the acid-base balance

Vitamin D3 and K2 can support the acid-base balance in various ways. Vitamin D3 contributes to the function of the kidneys, which play a key role in regulating the acid-base balance. The kidneys are responsible for filtering excess acids from the blood and excreting them in the urine. Adequate levels of vitamin D3 can therefore support kidney function and help the body to excrete excess acids efficiently.

Vitamin K2 can indirectly contribute to the acid-base balance by regulating the distribution of calcium in the body. Calcium is an important mineral that contributes to the neutralisation of acids in the body. By supporting the correct distribution of calcium, vitamin K2 can help to ensure that sufficient calcium is available to neutralise excess acids.

Omega 3 with black cumin oil

Importance of omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that are crucial for many aspects of health. They are particularly well known for their anti-inflammatory properties and their role in supporting cardiovascular health. The most important omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Black cumin oil, which is contained in this cure, is obtained from the seeds of the black cumin plant (Nigella sativa). It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Effects on the acid-base balance

Omega-3 fatty acids can support the acid-base balance by reducing inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can disrupt the acid-base balance and contribute to acidification of the body. By reducing inflammation, omega-3 fatty acids can help to stabilise the acid-base balance.

Black seed oil complements this effect with its antioxidant properties, which can help to reduce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can also contribute to acidification of the body. By reducing oxidative stress, omega-3 fatty acids and black seed oil together can help to support acid-base balance.

Alpha lipoic acid

Importance of alpha-lipoic acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is a sulphur-containing compound that works in both water- and fat-soluble environments. It is known for its strong antioxidant properties and its ability to regenerate other antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E. Alpha lipoic acid also plays an important role in energy metabolism, acting as a coenzyme in mitochondrial metabolic processes.

Effects on the acid-base balance

Alpha-lipoic acid can support the acid-base balance in various ways. Its antioxidant properties help to reduce oxidative stress, which can contribute to acidification of the body. By neutralising free radicals and enhancing the effect of other antioxidants, alpha-lipoic acid can help stabilise the acid-base balance.

In addition, alpha-lipoic acid can support the detoxification processes in the body. It promotes the excretion of heavy metals and other toxins that can disrupt the acid-base balance. By supporting liver function and promoting detoxification, alpha-lipoic acid can help to keep the body in a balanced state.

Effects of the cure

The combination of LipoVibes™ vitamin D3 K2, omega 3 with black cumin oil and alpha lipoic acid can have a powerful synergistic effect. Each of these components supports the acid-base balance in different ways and their combined effects can be particularly effective.

Improving kidney function and detoxification

Vitamin D3 can support kidney function and promote the elimination of excess acids. In combination with alpha-lipoic acid, which supports detoxification processes, this can help to rid the body of excess acids and toxins. Improving kidney function and detoxification can make a decisive contribution to stabilising the acid-base balance.

Reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress

Omega-3 fatty acids and black seed oil have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These can help to reduce chronic inflammation, which can disrupt the acid-base balance. Alpha lipoic acid complements these effects with its ability to reduce oxidative stress and regenerate other antioxidants. Together, these substances can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress and thus support acid-base balance.

Supporting calcium distribution and bone health

Vitamin K2 plays an important role in the distribution of calcium in the body. It ensures that calcium is transported to the bones and is not deposited in the arteries. This can help to ensure that sufficient calcium is available to neutralise acids. In combination with vitamin D3, which supports calcium absorption, and the anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3 fatty acids, this can lead to improved bone health and acid-base balance.

Usage and dosage

To achieve the best results, it is important to take the products according to the recommended dosages. The cure includes:

LipoVibes™ Vitamin D3 K2: One bottle containing 10 ml.

Omega 3 with black cumin oil: One 10 ml bottle.

Alpha lipoic acid: One bottle containing 30 ml.

It is recommended to take the products daily to ensure constant support of the acid-base balance. The exact dosage should follow the manufacturer's instructions and, if necessary, be discussed with a doctor or nutritionist, especially if you have existing health problems or are taking other medication.

The acid-base balance is a complex and crucial balance that influences many aspects of our health. A targeted treatment with LipoVibes™ vitamin D3 K2, omega 3 with black cumin oil and alpha lipoic acid can help to support this balance in many ways. By combining anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxifying properties, these products can work synergistically to help keep the body in a healthy and balanced state.

A balanced acid-alkaline balance is not only important for physical health, but can also improve overall well-being and quality of life. By supporting our bodies with the right nutrients and supplements, we can make an important contribution to our health and well-being.

What makes this combination unique?

The combination of LipoVibes™ Vitamin D3 K2, Omega 3 with black seed oil and alpha lipoic acid is unique in several ways. This uniqueness stems from the synergistic effects of the individual components, their specific properties and the way they work together to support acid-base balance and overall health. The unique aspects of this combination are explained in detail below:

Synergy of ingredients in detail

Vitamin D3 and K2

Synergybetween D3 and K2: Vitamin D3 and K2 work together synergistically to optimise calcium metabolism. Vitamin D3 increases the absorption of calcium from food, while vitamin K2 ensures that this calcium is efficiently stored in the bones and not deposited in the arteries. This combination not only promotes bone health, but also helps to prevent calcium deposits in the blood vessels, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Omega 3 with black cumin oil

Combination of omega-3 fatty acids and black cumin oil: Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory and heart-protective properties. Black seed oil complements these effects with its own anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This combination can be particularly effective in reducing chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which can disrupt acid-base balance.

Alpha lipoic acid

Universal antioxidant: Alpha-lipoic acid is unique in that it works in both water- and fat-soluble environments. This versatility allows it to act as an antioxidant in different areas of the body and regenerate the action of other antioxidants. This leads to a more comprehensive support of the body in the fight against free radicals and oxidative stress.

Multiple health benefits: How do the individual components work?

Support of the immune system

Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 plays a crucial role in modulating the immune system. It helps to strengthen the immune defence and can reduce the risk of infections.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that can support the immune system and reduce chronic inflammation.

Black seed oil: Has antimicrobial properties and can boost the immune system by improving the body's defences against various pathogens.

Promotes cardiovascular health

Omega-3 fatty acids: Help to lower triglyceride levels, improve heart function and reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmias.

Vitamin K2: Prevents calcium deposition in the arteries, reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

Improvement of cognitive function

Omega-3 fatty acids: DHA in particular is important for brain health and can improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Alpha lipoic acid: Has neuroprotective properties and may reduce the risk of cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases.

Support of the acid-base balance

Anti-inflammatory effect

Chronic inflammation can disrupt the acid-base balance and contribute to acidification of the body. The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids and black cumin oil help to reduce inflammation and stabilise the acid-base balance.

Antioxidant support

Oxidative stress can have a negative effect on the acid-base balance. Alpha lipoic acid and black cumin oil act as powerful antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress and thus help to maintain a balanced acid-base balance.

Promoting kidney function and detoxification

Vitamin D3 supports kidney function, which plays a key role in the elimination of excess acids. Alpha lipoic acid promotes detoxification and the elimination of heavy metals and toxins that can disrupt the acid-base balance.

Why is a balanced acid-base balance important?

An imbalanced acid-base balance can lead to various health problems that have both acute and chronic effects on the body. Here are some of the most common consequences of poor acid-base balance:

1. metabolic acidosis

Definition: Metabolic acidosis occurs when the body produces too much acid or has too little bicarbonate (an alkaline substance) to neutralise the acid.


Bone demineralisation: the body uses calcium from the bones to neutralise excess acid, which can lead to osteoporosis and an increased risk of fractures.

Muscle breakdown: An acidic pH can break down muscle proteins, which can lead to muscle weakness and breakdown.

Kidney stones: An acidic urine pH can promote the formation of kidney stones.

Deteriorated kidney function: Chronic acidosis can damage the kidneys and make it more difficult to excrete acid, leading to further deterioration of the acid-base balance.

Insulin resistance: Acidosis can reduce insulin sensitivity and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

2. metabolic alkalosis

Definition: Metabolic alkalosis occurs when the body has too much bicarbonate or loses too much acid.


Muscle cramps and weakness: elevated pH can affect muscle function, leading to cramps and weakness.

Confusion and dizziness: An unbalanced pH level can affect the nervous system and lead to cognitive problems.

Cardiac arrhythmia: Disturbances in the acid-base balance can affect the heart and lead to arrhythmias.

3. effects on the digestive system

Digestive disorders: An imbalanced pH can affect digestive enzymes, which can lead to poor nutrient absorption and digestive disorders.

Irritable bowel syndrome: Chronic acidosis can exacerbate or contribute to irritable bowel syndrome.

4. effects on the skin

Skin problems: An imbalanced pH can lead to skin problems such as acne, eczema and dry skin.

5. impairment of the immune system

Weakened immune system: An imbalanced acid-base balance can weaken the immune system and increase susceptibility to infections.

6. effects on the respiratory tract

Respiratory problems: High acidity in the body can impair respiratory function and lead to shortness of breath and other breathing problems.

7. effects on the nervous system

Neurological symptoms: An unbalanced pH value can cause neurological symptoms such as headaches, sleep disorders and concentration problems.

Easy application and high bioavailability

LipoVibes™ Vitamin D3 K2: The LipoMolecule formulation of LipoVibes™ increases the bioavailability of vitamin D3 and K2, which means that the body can absorb and utilise these vitamins more efficiently.

Liquid formulations: The liquid form of the products makes them easier to take and can offer faster absorption and effectiveness compared to tablets or capsules.

Natural and high quality ingredients

Natural sources: The use of natural ingredients such as black seed oil and high purity omega-3 fatty acids ensures that the products are of high quality and free from synthetic additives or harmful chemicals.

Purity and safety: All products are carefully tested to ensure purity and safety, which is particularly important for long-term use and health support.

The combination of LipoVibes™ Vitamin D3 K2, Omega 3 with Black Seed Oil and Alpha Lipoic Acid is unique due to its synergistic effects, multiple health benefits and targeted acid-base balance support. This cure provides comprehensive support for health and well-being and can help prevent or alleviate chronic health problems. The high bioavailability and quality of the ingredients make this combination an effective and reliable option for anyone who wants to support their health in a natural way.

Patented technology

The outer shell of the body cell is a barrier that restricts the uptake of active substances.

The LipoMolecule technology used in LipoVibes products combines the active ingredients with lipids that are also found in the cell envelope. This allows them to overcome the absorption barrier and effectively enter the cell. A very precise dosage is made possible.
LipoVibes products can thus be absorbed by the body up to 40 times better than conventional products.

Unrivalled bioavailability for healthy cells

Compared to tablets, powders or drops, LipoVibes has been shown to be up to 40 times better absorbed by the cells. This means that we do not have to artificially overdose LipoVibes™. This allows us to optimise the daily dosage without undesirable effects.

To give you a particularly accurate picture of our LipoMolecule™ technology, we have compared our products (left in the picture) under a microscope with a major supplier of liposomal food supplements (right in the picture). As you can see, the individual transport particles in LipoVibes™ products are all almost the same size and much smaller overall than in the comparison products. This smaller size and more homogeneous spatial distribution are two of the main reasons why the LipoVibes™ products are significantly more effective, meaning that much more of the ingested active ingredient reaches the blood plasma and can be transported from there into the cells.

Uncompromising quality for our cells

Our unique LipoMolecule Technology™ is based on liposomes and is a further development of this technology with increased effectiveness. We develop our LipoVibes micronutrients in our German laboratories and produce them entirely in northern Germany in accordance with current food standards (IFS).

Through strict testing procedures and our on-site quality management, we guarantee the highest quality of our active ingredients and end products.

Ingredients LipoVibes Omega 3 + Black Cumin:

Water, glycerine, natural ethanol, algae oil (contains omega 3), sunflower oil, lecithin (soya), black cumin oil, orange peel oil, antioxidant (vitamin E).

Water serves as a base for dissolving and stabilising the ingredients, glycerine retains moisture and improves the texture and ethanol acts as a natural preservative. Sunflower oil serves as the basis for the cell-related lipid structure that encloses the active ingredients, while lecitin (from organic soya) ensures the binding of our emulsions. We useorange peel oil as a natural flavouring, which also has antioxidant properties. Vitamin E serves as an antioxidant and ensures shelf life. Our omega 3 as the main active ingredient comes from algae oil, which is a natural source with an optimal omega 3/omega 6 ratio. The black cumin oil it contains is also purely plant-based.

Ingredients LipoVibes Vitamin D3K2:

Glycerine, water, natural ethanol, sunflower oil, lecithin (soya), natural flavouring (orange peel oil), vitamin K2 in MCT oil (0.075 mg - 100%*), vitamin D3 in MCT oil (0.005 mg - 100%*), antioxidant (tocopherol (vitamin E)


Glycerine preserves moisture and improves the texture, water serves as a base for dissolving and stabilising the ingredients and ethanol acts as a natural preservative. Sunflower oil serves as the basis for the cell-related lipid structure that encloses the active ingredients, while lecitin (from organic soya) ensures the binding of our emulsions. We useorange peel oil as a natural flavouring, which also has antioxidant properties. Vitamin E (tocopherol) serves as an antioxidant and ensures shelf life. The main active ingredients vitamin D3 and K2 come 100% from natural sources, with MCT oil from coconut as their biological carrier.

Ingredients LipoVibes Alpha Lipoic Acid:

Water, glycerine, ethanol, MCT oil, lecitin (SOJA), alpha lipoic acid, orange peel oil, antioxidant (vitamin E)

Glycerine retains moisture and improves the texture, water serves as a base for dissolving and stabilising the ingredients and ethanol acts as a natural preservative. MCT oil serves as the basis for the cell-related lipid structure that encloses the active ingredients, while lecitin (from organic soya) ensures the binding of our emulsions. We useorange peel oil as a natural flavouring, which also has antioxidant properties. Vitamin E (tocopherol) serves as an antioxidant and ensures shelf life. The main active ingredient alpha lipoic acid comes from 100% natural sources.

Application & dosage

LipoVibes™ products are taken as drops - either pure or together with cold drinks.

The recommended daily amount is 6 drops (omega 3 + black cumin), 2 drops (vitamin D3K2 and 20 drops (alpha lipoic acid) and is indicated on the bottles. Due to the viscosity (viscosity) of the active ingredients, it may be advisable to dose the number of drops using a teaspoon.

The products in this combination can either be taken at the same time or individually and independently of each other.

LipoVibes™ products can be taken either as a cure or permanently for health support.

Contents & shelf life

Each bottle of this combination contains 10 ml (approx. 30 applications) or 30 ml (alpha lipoic acid) and has a shelf life of 6 months after opening.

Do you have any questions?

Would you like a consultation?

You can contact us: Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Telephone orders via our partner Shop-Apotheke free of charge on 0800 200800300.