it's science ✔︎ optimized nutritional supplements
Science Based Nutrition
✔︎ LipoMolecule Technologie
✔︎ Vegan & Made in Germany
✔︎ free shipping (Germany)
it's science

Product Guide


Welcome to the Product Guide. What is your name?

Duration: about 2 minutes

, please choose now one or two of the options that interest you.


Bitte spezifiziere Dein Interesse/Optimierungs­bedarf.

Select up to 5 points.

A. Sports, performance enhancement

B. Beauty, Anti-Aging

C. Immune system, defenses

D. Sleep support, stress reduction


Bitte gib an, wie stark der Optimierungsbedarf in den einzelnen Bereichen ist.

Ziehe den Schieberegler, um die Intensität zu bestimmen (1 - leicht, 2 - mittel, 3 - schwer).

A. Sports, performance enhancement

B. Beauty, Anti-Aging

C. Immune system, defenses

D. Sleep support, stress reduction


Please rank your chosen concerns.

Move your concerns to rearrange them (the first is your main concern, the last is a consideration).

  • I would like to support my performance
  • I would like to switch off faster after sport
  • I would like to improve my regeneration
  • I would like to improve my concentration
  • I would like to slow down cell aging
  • Ich habe Falten & möchte diese verringern bzw. neuen vorbeugen
  • I would like to improve or maintain the elasticity of my skin
  • I would like to improve my skin appearance (redness, impurities)
  • I am looking for a herbal alternative to collagen
  • I am prone to infections and would like to strengthen my defenses
  • I am looking for an effective source of antioxidants
  • I have chronic pain (e.g. back, joints)
  • I have an infection and would like to support my immune system
  • I have problems falling asleep
  • I have problems sleeping through the night
  • I tend to (chronic) stress

Describe how much experience you have with individualized nutritional supplementation.

Ziehe den Schieberegler, um deine Erfahrung zu bestimmen
(1 - beginner, 2 - intermediate, 3 - advanced).


What is your age group?


Sage uns, was dir an LipoVibes am besten gefällt.

Bewege die Aussagen um sie neu zu ordnen (die Oberste ist dir am wichtigsten, die Unterste ist nicht so wichtig für dich).

  • Made in Germany
  • 100% Vegan
  • Patentierte Formel
  • Erhöhte Bioverfügbarkeit

, here is your result.

Based on your answers, the following products are of interest to you.

LipoVibes Vitamin B12 - Energising Vitamin
LipoVibes Melatonin - natural sleep aid
LipoVibes Tryptophan - for more balance
LipoVibes Astaxanthin - antioxidant from red algae
LipoVibes Q10 - support of the cell metabolism
LipoVibes Omega 3 + Black Cumin - from valuable algae oil
LipoVibes OPC - natural grape seed extract
LipoVibes Vitamin D3 K2 - "sun vitamin" with important function
LipoVibes Curcuma - Traditional plant substance with anti-inflammatory effects
LipoVibes Alpha Lipoic Acid - Promotes Energy Metabolism
LipoVibes Vitamin C - effective immune support
LipoVibes Bundle - Anti-Aging
LipoVibes Bundle - Biohacking
LipoVibes Bundle - Inflammations
LipoVibes Bundle - Heart & Cell Metabolism
LipoVibes Bundle - Immune System & Cell Health
LipoVibes Bundle - Nervous system & blood sugar
LipoVibes Bundle - Sport & Energy
LipoVibes Bundle - Skin + Hair + Nails
LipoVibes Bundle - Acid-Base
LipoVibes Bundle - Relaxation & Sleep

Teste Deine individuelle LipoVibes-Kur und erhalte 15% Rabatt! Code: YOURPURE15

