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LipoVibes Bundle - Heart & Cell Metabolism

LipoVibes Bundle - Heart & Cell Metabolism

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Category: Heart, Cell Metabolism

Our "Heart & Cell Metabolism" regimen is a synergistic blend of selected micronutrients with a focus on heart health, circulatory system support and cellular health.

It includes one bottle each of LipoVibes Omega 3 + Black Cumin, OPC and Q10, each containing 10 ml.

Omega 3 fatty acids perform important tasks in the body. For example, they play a decisive role in regulating blood lipid levels (cholesterol), are a sleep hormone and help you fall asleep naturally.

OPC can have a positive influence on blood circulation. It is potentially linked to the French paradox, whereby the French seem to develop less cardiovascular disease despite increased fat and alcohol consumption in old age.

Q10 is an essential coenzyme that plays a key role in cell regeneration in the body by supporting cell metabolic processes, among other things.

That's why you should choose LipoVibes products:

1. unique technology, optimal dosage: many manufacturers advertise higher bioavailability. LipoVibes has developed a worldwide unique solution with the LipoMolecule technology, which really achieves better results through long-term stability and very small particle size (below 100 nm). This is why we can develop our products in such a way that only a minimal amount of active ingredient remains unused and the body is not burdened.

2. fast absorption in the body: LipoVibes products are not only absorbed by the body much better, but also much faster than comparable products. We achieve this by using body-related lipids, which also make up the outer shell of human cells. Our active ingredients can be detected in the blood plasma just 5 minutes after ingestion.

3. controlled production: all LipoVibes products are developed in our laboratories in Germany and manufactured exclusively from plant-based ingredients according to strict quality standards. They are vegan and without sugar, gluten, lactose and GMO.

Ingredients (6 drops each)/application:

Omega 3: Glycerin, water, natural ethanol, sunflower oil, lecithin (soy), orange peel oil, algae oil (contains omega 3).

OPC: Glycerin, water, ethanol, glyceryl citrate/lactate/linoleate/oleate.
Orange peel oil, OPC.

Q10: Glycerin, water, ethanol, sunflower oil, lecithin (soy), orange peel oil, coenzyme Q10.

Depending on your preferences, take 6 drops daily pure or mixed with cold liquid.

Shelf life: One bottle contains 10 ml and has a shelf life of 6 months after opening.

Shipping: Free of charge within Germany, delivery time approx. 2-4 days.

Note: Not suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

Known through

LipoVibes combination heart and cell metabolism

Cardiac and cellular metabolism is an essential topic in medicine and biochemistry that describes the way in which cells and tissues generate, store and utilise energy. The heart is a central organ of the human body that requires a continuous supply of energy to fulfil its function. Cell metabolism encompasses the biochemical processes that take place in cells to generate energy, process nutrients and eliminate waste products. Understanding these processes is crucial for maintaining health and preventing disease.

Basics of cell metabolism

Cell metabolism, also known as metabolism, consists of two main components: anabolic and catabolic metabolism. Anabolic processes involve the build-up of molecules, such as the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, while catabolic processes involve the breakdown of molecules for energy production. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the central energy currency of cells. It is mainly produced by the breakdown of glucose in glycolysis, the citrate cycle and the respiratory chain.

Cardiac metabolism: energy for the pumping organ

The heart is an organ that continuously requires energy to pump blood around the body. Cardiac metabolism is therefore particularly intensive and dependent on a constant supply of energy. Fatty acids and glucose are mainly used as energy sources. Under normal conditions, around 70% of the heart's energy comes from the oxidation of fatty acids, while the remaining 30% is provided by the oxidation of glucose. At times of increased energy demand, such as during physical exertion, the heart's glucose consumption increases.

The citrate cycle: central metabolic process

The citrate cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle, is a central component of cell metabolism. It takes place in the mitochondria and serves to oxidise acetyl-CoA, which comes from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The citrate cycle produces reduction equivalents (NADH and FADH2), which are utilised in the respiratory chain for ATP synthesis. The citrate cycle is therefore an important hub in the metabolism that integrates various nutrient classes and provides energy.

Respiratory chain: efficient energy production

The respiratory chain, which is localised in the mitochondria, is the final step in aerobic cellular respiration. Here, the reduction equivalents NADH and FADH2 are used to transport electrons through a series of enzyme complexes. This electron transport creates a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, which ultimately leads to the synthesis of ATP by ATP synthase. These processes are highly efficient and enable the cell to maximise energy production from nutrients.

Glucose metabolism: from glycolysis to gluconeogenesis

Glucose metabolism begins with glycolysis, a process that takes place in the cytoplasm and converts glucose into pyruvate. This process generates a small amount of ATP and NADH. Pyruvate can then either be aerobically converted to acetyl-CoA and fed into the citrate cycle or anaerobically reduced to lactate. Under certain conditions, such as low glucose levels, the liver can re-synthesise glucose through gluconeogenesis from non-carbohydrate precursors such as lactate, glycerol and amino acids.

Fat metabolism: beta-oxidation and lipogenesis

Fats, especially fatty acids, are an important source of energy for the heart and other tissues. Beta-oxidation is the process by which fatty acids are broken down in the mitochondria to produce acetyl-CoA. This acetyl-CoA can then enter the citrate cycle and further contribute to ATP production. Conversely, when there is an excess of carbohydrates and calories, lipogenesis can take place, converting glucose and other substrates into fatty acids and eventually triglycerides.

Protein metabolism: amino acids as energy sources

Proteins are broken down into their building blocks, the amino acids. These can either be used to synthesise new proteins or fed into metabolic pathways. Some amino acids can be converted into glucose (glucogenic amino acids) or ketone bodies (ketogenic amino acids). This is particularly important during periods of hunger or intense physical activity when the body's glucose stores are depleted.

Hormonal regulation of the metabolism

Hormonal regulation plays a decisive role in metabolism. Hormones such as insulin, glucagon, adrenaline and cortisol control the availability and utilisation of energy sources. Insulin lowers blood sugar levels by promoting glucose uptake into the cells and activating glycogen synthesis. Glucagon has an antagonistic effect on insulin and promotes the release of glucose from the liver. Adrenaline and cortisol increase blood sugar levels and promote fat and protein metabolism in order to provide energy quickly in stressful situations.

Effects of metabolic disorders on health

Metabolic disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases, have far-reaching effects on health. Diabetes mellitus is characterised by a chronically elevated blood sugar concentration, which leads to damage to blood vessels, nerves and organs. Metabolic syndrome involves a combination of risk factors, including insulin resistance, obesity, hypertension and dyslipidaemia, which increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Impaired cardiac metabolism can lead to heart disease such as cardiomyopathy and heart failure.

Prevention and management of metabolic disorders

A healthy lifestyle is crucial for the prevention and management of metabolic disorders. A balanced diet, regular physical activity and avoiding risk factors such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can significantly reduce the risk of metabolic disorders. Specific diets, such as the Mediterranean diet or low-carbohydrate diets, have been shown to be beneficial in improving metabolism and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, drugs that regulate blood sugar levels, blood pressure and lipid profiles can be used effectively in treatment.

Future prospects in metabolic research

Research in the field of heart and cell metabolism is constantly evolving. New insights into the molecular mechanisms and the role of genetic and epigenetic factors contribute to a better understanding and open up new avenues for the treatment of metabolic diseases. Personalised medicine and the use of big data and artificial intelligence offer promising approaches to better identify individual risk factors and develop tailored treatment strategies.


Cardiac and cellular metabolism is a complex and multifaceted field that is of central importance to human health. A deep understanding of the biochemical processes that control energy production and utilisation in cells and tissues is crucial for the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases. Through a healthy lifestyle, regular medical check-ups and utilising the latest scientific knowledge, we can effectively support and promote cardiovascular health and general metabolism.

Importance of dietary supplements for the heart and cell metabolism

Food supplements are playing an increasingly important role in supporting and optimising the heart and cell metabolism. In particular, products rich in omega-3 fatty acids, black cumin oil, OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) and Q10 (coenzyme Q10) have proven to be beneficial. These ingredients work synergistically to support heart function, promote cellular health and reduce inflammation. In this in-depth article, we will explore the specific effects of each of these ingredients on heart and cell metabolism and explain how they can help promote health in the form of supplements such as LipoVibes™ Omega 3 with Black Seed Oil, OPC and Q10.

Omega-3 fatty acids: the cornerstone of heart health

Biochemical basis and sources of omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential unsaturated fatty acids that are essential for numerous physiological functions in the body. They belong to the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and include the main types alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). While ALA is mainly found in plant sources such as flaxseed, chia seeds and walnuts, EPA and DHA are mainly found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines.

Effects of omega-3 fatty acids on heart metabolism

Omega-3 fatty acids play a central role in heart metabolism. They are known for their ability to lower blood pressure, stabilise the heart rate and modify inflammatory processes. Studies have shown that regular consumption of omega-3 fatty acids can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke. This is achieved through their anti-arrhythmic, anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Omega-3 fatty acids also improve lipid profiles by lowering blood triglyceride levels and improving the ratio of HDL to LDL cholesterol. This helps to prevent arteriosclerosis, a disease characterised by the build-up of fatty plaques in the arteries, leading to narrowing and hardening of the arteries.

Omega-3 fatty acids and cell metabolism

At the cellular level, omega-3 fatty acids are involved in the formation of cell membranes, which improves the fluidity and functionality of the membranes. They influence signal transmission and gene expression and have antioxidant properties that minimise cell damage caused by free radicals. This is particularly important for the cells of the heart muscle, which have a high metabolic activity and energy demand.

Black cumin seed oil: antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

Origin and chemical composition

Black seed oil, extracted from the seeds of Nigella sativa, has been known for centuries for its healing properties. It contains numerous bioactive compounds, including thymoquinone, nigellone, and various alkaloids and saponins. Thymoquinone is the main active ingredient and is responsible for most of the health-promoting properties.

Influence of black cumin seed oil on heart health

Black seed oil has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that make it a valuable tool for supporting heart health. Antioxidants in black seed oil neutralise free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to cell membranes, proteins and DNA. This is particularly important for the heart, which is constantly exposed to high levels of oxidative stress.

Inflammation plays a crucial role in the development and progression of cardiovascular disease. Black seed oil can reduce inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), which helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, black seed oil has positive effects on blood pressure and blood sugar levels, which also has a favourable effect on heart health.

Black cumin oil and cell metabolism

Black cumin seed oil supports cell metabolism through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It improves the function of the mitochondria, the energy centres of the cells, and promotes the efficient use of nutrients for ATP production. This is particularly important for cells that are under high stress, such as heart muscle cells. By promoting healthy cell metabolism, black seed oil can help improve overall cell function and longevity.

OPC: Oligomeric proanthocyanidins as powerful antioxidants

What are OPCs and where are they found?

Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) are a group of polyphenols found in many plants, particularly grape seeds, pine bark and some fruits. They are known for their powerful antioxidant effects and are often used in dietary supplements to promote health.

Effects of OPCs on the cardiovascular system

OPCs have been shown to be extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system. They improve endothelial function, which forms the inner lining of blood vessels and plays a key role in regulating blood flow and vascular relaxation. By improving endothelial function, OPCs can help lower blood pressure and maintain arterial flexibility.

In addition, OPCs have anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce platelet aggregation, which reduces the risk of blood clots and associated cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that OPCs can positively influence lipid profiles by lowering LDL cholesterol levels and increasing HDL cholesterol levels.

OPCs and cell metabolism

As powerful antioxidants, OPCs protect cells from oxidative stress and free radicals. This is crucial for maintaining cell health and function. OPCs promote DNA repair mechanisms and improve mitochondrial function, optimising cellular energy production. This leads to improved cell function and regeneration, which is particularly important for cells that are under high metabolic demands, such as heart muscle cells.

Coenzyme Q10: key molecule for energy production

What is coenzyme Q10 and where is it found?

Coenzyme Q10 (Q10) is a fat-soluble molecule that is found in all human cells. It plays a central role in the electron transport chain, which is responsible for ATP production in the mitochondria. Q10 can be obtained from food, particularly from meat, fish and nuts, as well as through endogenous synthesis in the body.

Effect of Q10 on the heart

Q10 is particularly important for the function of the heart, which requires a high amount of energy to continuously pump blood. By supporting mitochondrial ATP production, Q10 contributes to the maintenance of cardiac muscle strength and endurance. Studies have shown that Q10 may be beneficial in the treatment of heart failure, hypertension and angina pectoris.

Q10 also has antioxidant properties and protects cell membranes and mitochondria from oxidative damage. This is crucial for maintaining heart health, as oxidative damage can contribute to cardiomyocyte dysfunction and the development of cardiovascular disease.

Q10 and cell metabolism

Q10 supports cell metabolism by promoting ATP production in the mitochondria. It also plays a role in the regeneration of other antioxidants such as vitamin E, which contributes to improved antioxidant protection of cells. This is particularly important for cells with high metabolic activity, such as heart muscle cells, which rely on a constant and efficient energy supply.

Synergistic effects of omega-3, black seed oil, OPC and Q10

Combined benefits for heart health

The combination of omega-3 fatty acids, black seed oil, OPCs and Q10 provides synergistic benefits for heart health. These ingredients work together to reduce inflammation, improve endothelial function, lower blood pressure and optimise lipid profiles. Omega-3 fatty acids and OPCs support vascular health and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, while Q10 improves energy production in the heart muscle and black seed oil reduces oxidative damage and inflammation.

Optimisation of cell metabolism

The synergistic effects of these ingredients also support cell metabolism. Omega-3 fatty acids and Q10 improve mitochondrial function and ATP production, while OPC and black seed oil provide antioxidant protection and reduce inflammation. This leads to improved cell function, regeneration and health. Cells can produce and utilise energy more efficiently, which is particularly important for highly active tissues such as the heart.

Practical application: LipoVibes™ Omega 3 with black cumin oil, OPC and Q10

Composition and dosage

LipoVibes™ Omega 3 with Black Cumin Oil, OPC and Q10 is an innovative dietary supplement that combines the benefits of these four potent ingredients in one bottle. Each bottle contains 10ml of the product, which has been carefully formulated to maximise bioavailability and efficacy. The recommended daily dosage is a specific amount, depending on individual needs and health conditions.

Benefits and effectiveness

Regular use of LipoVibes™ can provide numerous health benefits. It supports heart health, improves lipid profiles, reduces inflammation and provides powerful antioxidant protection. It also optimises cellular metabolism, promotes mitochondrial function and improves overall cellular health.

Safety and side effects

LipoVibes™ is safe to use when taken as directed. However, as with all dietary supplements, individuals with existing health conditions or those taking medication should consult their physician before use. Side effects are rare but may include gastrointestinal discomfort, allergic reactions or drug interactions.


Supplements such as LipoVibes™ Omega 3 with black seed oil, OPC and Q10 provide comprehensive support for heart and cell metabolism. By combining the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and energy-supporting properties of these ingredients, they can help to promote heart health and optimise cellular metabolism. Regular intake can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve cell function and promote overall health. Given the increasing importance of dietary supplements in modern healthcare, it makes sense to integrate such products into a holistic health plan.

Patented technology

The outer shell of the body cell is a barrier that restricts the uptake of active substances.

The LipoMolecule technology used in LipoVibes products combines the active ingredients with lipids that are also found in the cell envelope. This allows them to overcome the absorption barrier and effectively enter the cell. A very precise dosage is made possible.
LipoVibes products can thus be absorbed by the body up to 40 times better than conventional products.

Unrivalled bioavailability for healthy cells

Compared to tablets, powders or drops, LipoVibes has been shown to be up to 40 times better absorbed by the cells. This means that we do not have to artificially overdose LipoVibes™. This allows us to optimise the daily dosage without undesirable effects.

To give you a particularly accurate picture of our LipoMolecule™ technology, we have compared our products (left in the picture) under a microscope with a major supplier of liposomal food supplements (right in the picture). As you can see, the individual transport particles in LipoVibes™ products are all almost the same size and much smaller overall than in the comparison products. This smaller size and more homogeneous spatial distribution are two of the main reasons why the LipoVibes™ products are significantly more effective, meaning that much more of the ingested active ingredient reaches the blood plasma and can be transported from there into the cells.

Uncompromising quality for our cells

Our unique LipoMolecule Technology™ is based on liposomes and is a further development of this technology with increased effectiveness. We develop our LipoVibes micronutrients in our German laboratories and produce them entirely in northern Germany in accordance with current food standards (IFS).

Through strict testing procedures and our on-site quality management, we guarantee the highest quality of our active ingredients and end products.

Ingredients of LipoVibes™ OPC:

Glycerin, water, ethanol, glyceryl, citrate/lactate/linoleate/oleate, orange peel oil, OPC.

Glycerin retains moisture and improves the texture, water serves as a base for dissolving and stabilising the ingredients, and ethanol acts as a natural preservative. Glyceryl Citrate/Lactate/Linoleate/Oleate support the formation of liposomes for better nutrient absorption, while Orange Peel Oil provides pleasant flavour and antioxidant properties.

Ingredients LipoVibes Q10:

Glycerin, water, ethanol, sunflower oil, lecithin (soya), orange peel oil, coenzyme Q10.

Glycerine retains moisture and improves the texture, water serves as a base for dissolving and stabilising the ingredients, and ethanol acts as a natural preservative. Sunflower oil serves as the basis for the cell-related lipid structure that encloses the active ingredients, while lecitin (from organic soya) ensures the binding of our emulsions. We useorange peel oil as a natural flavouring, which also has antioxidant properties. Our Q10 as the main active ingredient comes from 100% natural sources.

Ingredients LipoVibes Omega 3 + Black Cumin:

Water, glycerine, natural ethanol, algae oil (contains omega 3), sunflower oil, lecithin (soya), black cumin oil, orange peel oil, antioxidant (vitamin E).

Water serves as a base for dissolving and stabilising the ingredients, glycerine retains moisture and improves the texture and ethanol acts as a natural preservative. Sunflower oil serves as the basis for the cell-related lipid structure that encloses the active ingredients, while lecitin (from organic soya) ensures the binding of our emulsions. We useorange peel oil as a natural flavouring, which also has antioxidant properties. Vitamin E serves as an antioxidant and ensures shelf life. Our omega 3 as the main active ingredient comes from algae oil, which is a natural source with an optimal omega 3/omega 6 ratio. The black cumin oil it contains is also purely plant-based.

Application & dosage

LipoVibes™ products are taken as drops - either pure or together with cold drinks.

The recommended daily amount is 6 drops and is indicated on the bottles. Due to the viscosity (viscosity) of the active ingredient, it may be advisable to dose the number of drops using a teaspoon.

The products in this combination can either be taken at the same time or individually and independently of each other.

LipoVibes™ products can be taken either as a cure or permanently for health support.

Contents & shelf life

Each bottle of this combination contains 10 ml (approx. 30 applications) and has a shelf life of 6 months after opening.

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You can contact us: Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Telephone orders via our partner Shop-Apotheke free of charge on 0800 200800300.