Astaxanthin - the super antioxidant

Astaxanthin is considered "the most powerful natural antioxidant". Astaxanthin is said to have a variety of positive effects, many of which have already been researched in studies. We introduce you to the "superoxide" astaxanthin and its mode of action and why we can provide astaxanthin with LipoMolecule technology in even higher bioavailability.
What is Astaxanthin?
Cute, fluffy - and gray. That's how flamingos come into the world. Wait a minute - aren't they pink? We hope we're not turning your whole world upside down when we tell you that flamingos don't have their characteristic color from birth, but only turn into "pink flamingos," as they're officially called, over time. The reason for the pink plumage is in the food: for similar reasons to crabs and shrimp, flamingos turn pink or reddish by eating food that contains so-called carotenoid pigments - in the case of flamingos, red algae as well as small crustaceans.
Okay, good to know, but what does all this have to do with astaxanthin?
Astaxanthin is precisely the red pigment that causes the pink coloration of the feathers of flamingos, but also of crabs or lobsters, for example. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid and is found in certain algae, such as red algae.
For our LipoVibes Pure Astaxanthin we use the blood rain algae (Haematococcus pluvialis). This is a freshwater algae, which, by the way, is also responsible for the natural phenomenon "blood snow", whereby under certain conditions the snow in mountains turns red.
The Astaxanthin Effect
Astaxanthin is considered one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. Like all antioxidants, astaxanthin offers protection against the so-called "free radicals". "Free radicals" are created whenever a molecule containing oxygen breaks apart.
On the one hand, this completely natural process is set in motion by our body itself during metabolism, but it can also be triggered by external influences. These harmful external influences include, for example, strong sunlight, cigarette smoke, but also environmental toxins.
Astaxantin: A natural powerful antioxidant
As a powerful antioxidant, astaxanthin consequently protects us from oxidative damage. Various other effects of astaxanthin have been researched through various study results, such as the reduction of inflammation in the body. Below we present the research results that have proven certain effects of astaxanthin.
Astaxanthin has an anti-inflammatory effect
Constant small inflammations in our body can develop into chronic inflammation - with far-reaching consequences for overall health. Such inflammation can have various causes, most often it is the combination of an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and too much stress. Research shows that astaxanthin has a high anti-inflammatory effect:
"Astaxanthin inhibits nitric oxide production and inflammatory gene expression by suppressing I(kappa)B kinase-dependent NF-kappaB activation" (2003 study excerpt).
This means that astaxanthin has a positive effect on inflammatory diseases, under which e.g. rheumatoid arthritis or dysmenorrhea, the so-called "period pains" during the female cycle fall.
Astaxanthin supports the reduction of blood pressure
Astaxanthin can help with high blood pressure. So found a 2008 study by Frederic J. Pahskow 1, David G. Watumull and Charles L. Campbell:
"Results from several species support the antioxidant/inflammatory properties of the prototype, astaxanthin, and make it a suitable candidate for the development of a therapeutic agent against oxidative stress and inflammation in the cardiovascular system." (excerpt of an abstract of the study PMID 18474276))
Astaxanthin prevents arteriosclerosis
Two studies have demonstrated astaxanthin's preventive effect against atherosclerosis: the 2001 study by P.P. Tak and G. S. Firestine (PMID: 1113417) and another study in 2011:
"Astaxanthin concentration in erythrocytes was significantly higher after 4- or 12-week supplementation (3 mg/day) than after placebo or 1 mg astaxanthin supplementation." (excerpt of the study abstract PMID: 21937848)
Astaxanthin can increase the number of red blood cells
In a 12-week study from 2011, it was found that "astaxanthin concentrations in erythrocytes were higher in both the 6- and 12-mg astaxanthin groups than in the placebo group waiting. In contrast, PLOOH concentrations in erythrocytes were lower in the astaxanthin groups than in the placebo group. Slightly lower PLOOH levels were observed in plasma after astaxanthin treatment. These results suggest that astaxanthin supplementation improves the antioxidant status of erythrocytes and lowers PLOOH levels, which may contribute to the prevention of dementia." (excerpt from the study abstract PMID: 21276280)
Astaxanthin and the effect on cholesterol levels
A 12-week, randomized, placebo-controlled human trial from 2010 suggests "that astaxanthin intake improves triglyceride and HDL cholesterol levels associated with increased adiponectin levels in humans." (excerpt from the study abstract PMID 19892350).
Specifically, this means that harmful LDL cholesterol was lowered by astaxanthin and a slight increase was recorded for "good" HDL cholesterol.
Astaxanthin protects the eyes
Taking astaxanthin can protect the eyes from disease, as shown by various human studies: "There is growing evidence of the efficacy of astaxanthin in the prevention and treatment of various ocular diseases, from the anterior to the posterior pole of the eye." (excerpt from the 2020 review paper "Clinical Applications of Astaxanthin in the Treatment of Ocular Diseases: Emerging Insights").
Astaxanthin reduces wrinkles
Health is the highest good - but we still want to look beautiful. Astaxanthin can also help here: Studies have shown that astaxanthin can reduce fine wrinkles and the so-called crow's feet, as well as make the skin more elastic overall. In addition, it was found that dry skin is better moisturized by astaxanthin. (For more information, see the study abstract PMID: 22428137).
Astaxanthin lightens age spots
In the same study, astaxanthin was also found to slightly lighten age spots.
Astaxanthin as a dietary supplement
Astaxanthin as a dietary supplement is available in various forms: As capsules, as powder and as drops.
We have chosen the drop form for our LipoVibes Pure Astaxanthin. At LipoVibes, we want to make taking astaxanthin as easy as possible for you. One bottle of LipoVibes Pure Astaxanthin contains 10 ml - with a daily intake of 5-6 drops you are optimally supplied for about a month.
Liposomales Astaxanthin vs. LipoMolecule Technologie
Liposomal astaxanthin is not enough for us - like all our products, our astaxanthin is based on Lipo-Molecule technology. This combines the active ingredient with particularly small lipid spheres, which significantly increases the absorption capacity of our body.
Erhöhte Bioverfügbarkeit von Astaxanthin
This means: Our Lipo-Molecule technology has been shown to increase the bioavailability of our astaxanthin up to 40-fold. Find out more about our patented LipoMolecule Technology.
Astaxanthin –Our conclusion
Astaxanthin convinces us in its multiple effects, which is why we have included astaxanthin in our range of dietary supplements. It is important to us - in addition to its naturalness and the fact that astaxanthin is vegan - to offer the active ingredient in combination with our patented LipoMolecule technology. This way we can provide you with the super antioxidant astaxanthin in a much higher bioavailability.