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Natural muscle building: The best diet for the muscles

What food is good for muscle building, what foods are good for musekln and with what products you can boost muscle building? 7 tips for natural muscle building.

The role of nutrition in building muscle

Everyone wants a muscular and strong body. After all, an athletic, muscular figure is considered particularly attractive. But not only the appearance benefits from a targeted muscle building. After all, muscle strands fulfill important functions in our body. They support the skeleton and ensure a healthy posture. In addition, muscles burn many calories. This makes them the perfect prophylaxis against obesity. So there are many reasons for a natural muscle build-up.

Nevertheless, despite all the motivation, it is often difficult to implement. Because it is not enough to throw yourself into a demanding workout to get a muscular body. After all, the right diet is at least as important for success as exercise. Because with an adapted diet you can accelerate the muscle building process. In this guide, you'll learn what you need to pay special attention to when it comes to nutrition.

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Natural muscle building, tip 1: Don't be afraid of calories

If you want to do something good for your body, you usually try to reduce your calorie intake. In today's affluent society, this approach is also completely correct in most cases. But when it comes to building muscle, a calorie deficit is a hindrance. After all, each muscle represents a power plant for the body. But without the necessary fuel, no power plant can function. If the body records a calorie deficit, it will therefore, if possible, no longer create new muscles and instead try to store the "valuable" calories for a rainy day.

Therefore, you should make sure that you provide the body with enough calories. Of course, you should not overdo it, because otherwise the painstakingly built six-pack disappears invisibly behind a fat disguise. The motto should therefore be when eating for muscle building: in moderation, not in masses.

Natural muscle building, tip 2: Optimize nutrition for muscle building

In order to gain well-formed muscles, it is not only a matter of sufficient calorie intake. Because at least as important are the individual building blocks of the food. Of particular importance is a sufficiently high protein intake. This is because proteins are the building blocks from which human muscles are built. Only if the body has a sufficiently high reservoir of proteins can it effectively build up new muscle tissue. Nutritionists therefore recommend a daily intake of 1.3 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Both plant and animal sources are suitable as protein suppliers. Vegetarians and vegans can therefore also build up muscles without hesitation.

These foods contain proteins for muscle building:

  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Legumes
  • Soy products such as tofu

Natural muscle building, tip 3: Dissolve false nutritional beliefs.

Low carb diets are currently on everyone's lips, after all, carbohydrates enjoy an extremely bad reputation as fatteners. However, when building muscle, the supposedly unhealthy carbohydrates should not be avoided under any circumstances. This is because carbohydrates are available to the body particularly quickly. Thus they are the ideal "fuel" for all muscles and provide thus for sufficient power with the training. If you do without carbohydrates as much as possible, you risk getting a "hunger pang" during training.

It is much better to train at full power and thus exhaust the muscles in the long term. Because this signals to the body that its current equipment is not sufficient. This gives it an incentive to give the muscles an upgrade. Ideally, therefore, the food intake should consist of about 50% carbohydrates. It is best to complement this with 20% protein and 30% healthy fats.

Natural muscle building, tip 4: Distinguish good carbohydrates from bad carbohydrates

Carbohydrates have their bad reputation mainly because they are often found in unhealthy foods as "empty" calories. White flour products and sugary foods have an extremely negative reputation. This is because the carbohydrates they contain are extremely readily available to the body. This almost inevitably causes insulin levels to rise sharply after ingestion of such products. Cravings are then pre-programmed. It is therefore better to prefer high-quality carbohydrates. These are more difficult for the body to break down and therefore keep you full longer. This prevents you from unintentionally eating too many calories.

"Good" carbohydrates include:

  • Whole grain products
  • Buckwheat
  • Potatoes
  • Oat and spelt flakes
  • Quinoa
  • Amaranth
  • Bananas

natürlicher muskelaufbau ernährung

Natural muscle building, tip 5: Don't be afraid of fat!

Healthy fats promote fat loss because they are digested slowly. For muscle building, always make sure your fat intake is balanced and that you include "healthy fats" in every meal - you should avoid the unhealthy trans fats, however.

Examples of "healthy fats" include.

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon or sardines
  • Avocado
  • Olive oil
  • Linseed oil

Natural muscle building, Tip 6: Micronutrients - small intake, big effect.

In addition to the macronutrients fat, protein and carbohydrates, micronutrients are also particularly important for natural muscle building. These include vitamins and minerals. It is therefore essential to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Because in it are particularly many of the valuable micronutrients. Particular attention should be paid to a sufficient supply of magnesium and iron. This prevents muscle soreness and ensures sufficient production of red blood cells. These transport oxygen to the muscles and thus ensure particularly high performance.

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Natural muscle building, tip 7: Supplements: Q10 as a booster for muscle building

We all know how healthy vitamins are. But when it comes to muscle building, they are even more important than they already are. In the training phase you should pay special attention to supply Q10 for muscle building. This is a vitamin-like molecule. It is very similar to vitamins E and K and has many positive properties. As an antioxidant in cell membranes, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

A second positive property of the enzyme is particularly interesting for athletes. After all, it actively supports ATP production in the mitochondria of the cells. ATP represents the universally applicable "energy currency" of the body. If not enough ATP is produced, we are unable to perform. By stimulating ATP production, Q10 additionally improves our health. This is because it ensures that the body's most important muscle, the heart, functions correctly. An adequate supply of Q10 reduces the risk of fibrosis forming in the heart, thereby contributing to high cardiovascular health. Enough good reasons, therefore, for athletes to consciously supply their bodies with Q10 and to ensure an adequate supply with appropriate dietary supplements.

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Bonus Tip: Nutrition Diary for Natural Muscle Building

To achieve good results in natural muscle building, it is best to keep a food and training diary. On the one hand, you can keep track of your training progress and stay motivated. On the other hand, you keep track of your nutrition and avoid "rewarding" yourself with food after training. This way you can also be sure not to eat too many calories and recognize early on if your diet should become too one-sided. It is best to always write down exactly what you eat and what nutritional values are contained in it before you eat. You can look up the corresponding reference values quickly and easily with your smartphone.