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Skin care from the inside: These vitamins are good for your skin!

As the largest organ, your skin is exposed to many environmental influences. An unhealthy lifestyle can have a problematic effect on the cells. Nutrition is important to counteract this. Many vitamins and minerals can help protect your skin. This article shows you which vitamins are included and where you can find them.

Wrinkles are no longer only feared by women, but by all genders. Sure, aging gracefully is fine, but if we're honest, we all want to look as fresh and young as possible for as long as possible. In order for your skin to shine healthy and firm, your lifestyle habits are essential. Alcohol and nicotine are not considered true poisons for the body for nothing. It really pays to give up bad habits so they can make way for the good ones. The right amount of appropriate nutrients - especially vitamins - can, if necessary, help you to better protect the skin from the inside out.

Vitamins for your skin: which ones can help?

Many vitamins are considered valuable to support the individual processes within the cells. They help your skin to renew itself continuously and to repair small damages quickly. Of course, your genes and predisposition also contribute. But with the right amount of appropriate vitamins and minerals, you can contribute a lot to maintain cellular function. Here's how you can do it.

Vitamins are considered little divas: they are often sensitive to heat and light. However, they are elementary building blocks for the skin. After all, your skin is the largest organ in your body - it can weigh up to 10 kg! In addition, it easily takes up an area of about 1.7 m². For this reason alone, it is worth taking good care of our skin. But this miracle organ can do even more. It also fulfills many important functions in the body:

  • The skin processes sensory stimuli and discharges various substances to the outside through sweating.
  • Thanks to its protective acid mantle (pH value), it is the first important barrier against all kinds of germs and pathogens.
  • It controls the width of the blood vessels in order to control your heat balance.
  • It acts as a protective shield against burns and wounds as well as aggressive substances (e.g. chemical cleaning agents).

The appearance of your skin is a decisive indicator of your inner balance. This is because hormones have a significant influence on your skin. Women in particular are familiar with the difficulties that arise when there is an imbalance. Due to the monthly cycle or menopause, hormonal conditions change again and again. This can cause skin problems.

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Additionally, many more people besides women struggle with blemished skin, enlarged pores, itching, dandruff or redness. There are some vitamins that can help you create a radiant complexion that is free of blemishes. The following sections provide you with the appropriate tips to optimally care for the skin from the inside:

Vitamin A

Hair loss and dry skin with the first wrinkles can be due to a lack of vitamin A. The vitamin is especially known to be good for the eyes. But the skin can also benefit from this nutrient. Cell function can be supported with this building block. This makes for more supple skin and an improved, i.e. smoother, skin surface.

Accordingly, vitamin A has a reputation for being helpful against pimples and acne. This also makes sense. Because a deficiency of this vitamin is, for example, a horny skin. This can lead to impurities, because the sebum from the glands and pores can flow off worse.

What foods contain vitamin A?

Vitamin A is usually found in cheese and eggs. In addition, fish and vegetables are suitable for pepping up the body's vitamin needs. Herring, tuna, sweet potatoes, carrots, peppers or broccoli are particularly suitable for this purpose. Salmon and spinach also contain vitamin A.


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B vitamins: Biotin & Niacin for the Skin

Vitamin B is available in many different facets. Each one of these vitamins serves an important purpose in the body. For your skin, biotin (B7 or H) and niacin (B3) are especially important. The B vitamins take a big part in skin regeneration and hair growth. That is why biotin (vitamin H or B7) is also considered the typical vitamin for "skin and hair".

Biotin is therefore particularly important for the energy metabolism of the skin cells. For example, you may lack biotin if your skin tends to dandruff and itching. In comparison, vitamin B3, i.e. niacin or nicotinic acid, makes an important contribution to cell metabolism. This vitamin is also known for its antioxidant influences.

Where can you find it?

Good sources of vitamins are basically vegetables and fruits. For the B vitamins, additional recommended sources include nuts, oatmeal, dairy products, soybeans, mushrooms, meat (especially liver) and eggs.

Vitamin C

Natural skin aging is often a matter of oxidative stress. This type of stress affects your cells. They age faster, creating a poorer skin appearance. But what is oxidative stress? It occurs because of free radicals. They are always on hand as soon as certain metabolic processes take place. However, intense sun exposure or increased ozone levels can also promote their formation. Vitamin C can help you protect your skin.

The vitamin has a positive effect on the formation of collagen. At the same time it participates in the energy metabolism of your cells. Since it can also be helpful against oxidative stress, it helps your skin to appear younger. The skin becomes more elastic with enough vitamin C, because more proteins (albumen) are produced. This can lead to a smoother and more supple appearance.

If you have a significant deficiency of the vitamin, you are more prone to bleeding gums (scurvy or "sailor's disease"). In general, wounds heal worse and your skin tends to flake more.

Where do you find it?

Basically, you can find vitamin C in all citrus fruits. But the acerola cherry is also rich in this nutrient. In addition to citrus fruits, the vitamin is also found in various vegetables. High amounts can be found in peppers, broccoli and parsley.

Food supplements with vitamin C may be useful in the form of drops. However, it is always worthwhile to clarify the supply with your doctor before you reach for food supplements.

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Vitamin E

Vitamin E is important for dry skin. Your body can store this nutrient particularly well in the cornea. This keeps it more supple. Another point is its function as an antioxidant. As such, vitamin E acts against oxidative stress, which can slow down cell aging.

This oxidative stress is usually caused by free radicals. They are caused, among other things, by exposure to sunlight or the UV radiation that accompanies it. Vitamin E can therefore help you look younger. This means that a sufficiently high vitamin E content in the body can lead to the following benefits, for example:

  • smooth small wrinkles
  • improve wound healing
  • better moisturize the horny layer
  • reduce inflammatory processes in the skin
  • protect against UV radiation and other environmental influences

Where do you find it?

  • Almonds
  • Peanuts
  • Vegetable oils (especially wheat germ oil, olive oil or sunflower oil)
  • Tomatoes
  • Eggs
  • Berries (e.g. raspberries)

Conclusion: Vitamins for healthier skin

For healthy skin and a fresh complexion, nutrition is an important cornerstone. With the right vitamins, you can support the renewal of the largest organ. It is generally advisable to eat a balanced, varied diet that is as healthy as possible. In addition, a healthy lifestyle is generally worthwhile. Suitable skin care products, plenty of exercise and fresh air as well as regular relaxation can do a lot to make you feel good in your skin.